Wednesday, July 19, 2017

God is oh so good

1. Having courage to have a scary conversation and having it go tremendously well.

2. Tender and kind words from my Jonny.

3. The perfect amount of advice and comfort from Jon when I had a ton of anxiety and felt super low.

4. A boss who cares.

5. Unexpected flowers at the perfect time from Jon who just felt like he should bring them to me.

6. An unexpected applicant for a job I posted. This was huge. Nobody ever applies for that job.

7. Dinner with Angie.

8. The perfect message from my mom in an instagram post.

9. Two fun bridal showers in two nights.

10. Overwhelming evidence of God's specific love for me. I felt like He was taking care of my tender soul this week.  I felt His love individually for me and I don't know of a greater tender mercy. And He accomplished that tender mercy through others. God is oh so good.

Monday, June 19, 2017

What a week

1. Going to the gym on my own and not feeling like a complete loser.
2. Getting some good quality time with Sariah on Wednesday and Friday.
3. Sitting in an old parking lot, listening to a book on tape with my man. 

.4 Having a good talk with Jon and learning how to use "I" statements better.
5. Talking with my counselor.
6. Hearing that Jon thanks God every night that I am in his life.  What a sweetie-head.

8. Registering for the wedding.
9. Eating at Tandoori Oven.
10. Free bang trim.
11. Old car show.
12. Spending a glorious amount of time outside riding around in the golf cart while Jon golfed.
13. Hearing Rosanna by Toto on the radio at the golf course.
14. Having what feels like a bazillion prayers answered today.
15. Feeling peace about getting married and finally starting to see that our marriage is a creation of family and being more comfortable with that role.
16. Having the bishopric member let me know that I did a good job on my lesson at church.
17. Feeling a loving rebuke from God about how I need to pray more for others and judge them less (one person in particular).
18. Doing the Self-Reliance program with Jon tonight.
19. Snuggles with Jon.
20. Cleaning my room.
22. Surprise visit from Angie.
21. Feeling happy.
22. Talking with mom.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven

1.  Sunshine.  There is no substitute for sunshine.

2.  Celebrating Jon's birthday with some good dinner and a round of golf (in the sunshine!)

3.  Seeing the immediate blessings of being obedient.  I was doing iniatories in the temple and was asked to do a few more names.  The woman asking quickly remembered that Jon was waiting for me and told me she would ask another sister.  I went back to my lock and felt strongly that I should do those names.  I went back and did those names and felt God pour His love out on me.  He answered my prayers and helped me to feel peace.

4.  Becoming more emotionally aware.

5.  The way the evening cools off in Idaho.

6.  Sunsets.

7.  The Idaho Falls temple rededication.  What a special experience.

8.  Free food!

9.  Angie.  She has been a true angel and best friend.  Not being her roommate is going to be a very hard thing.

10.  Chocolate pie.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fresh outlook

1.  Taking time to reflect on 2016.  I wrote down some of the lows of the year and tons of the highs.  I described what I learned from each and who I was grateful for during those times.  It was a refreshing exercise and helped me realize how much I have to be grateful for.

2.  Remembering to write to Mern.

3.  Fancy grilled cheese.

4.  A boyfriend who gets it when it comes to positive thinking.

5.  Terrific roommates.

6.  Christmas lights on the tree with pretty presents placed under it.

7.  Hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

8.  A merciful Heavenly Father who ha given us a way home.

9.  A day to rest.

10.  Finishing my Christmas wrapping.

11.  A warm bed.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

La Neige

1.  It snowed all day today.  And while this caused some road conditions that were not ideal, the snow was so beautiful.  All I wanted to do was play in it!  It was seriously lovely.

2.  The fabulous student employees that I get to work with.

3.  Jon helping Angie, myself, and two other cars get out of the snow.

4.  87th ward Christmas party.  Free delicious food and some Christmas carols.  Can't beat that.

5.  The nest.  Or in other words, my delightfully cozy bed.

6.  People in my life who love and care about me.

7.  The Lord Jesus Christ and the hope we have because of Him.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pie Del Juan

1.  Today was a special day at work.  It was the day we get a pie!  Every employee who works at BYU-Idaho gets a pie for Christmas.  And it was dang good pie.

2.  Awesome co-workers.

3.  A raise!

4.  Some time to write Christmas cards.

5.  Getting my hurr did.  It feels so much better now.

6.  Discovering some things about myself that revealed why I might be afraid of commitment.

7.  Angie.  She woke me up this morning.  I heart her.

8.  Talking with mum for a few minutes.

9.  The Santa Claus.

10.  Some quality time with Juanito.

11.  Feeling like a weight has been lifted.

On the 10th day of Christmas

1.  Guys...only 10 days until Christmas!!

2.  Perfect fillings at the dentist.  It only took 40 minutes and I hardly feel a difference in my bite.  My dentist does a fine job.

3.  New curtains in my office.

4.  Going to the temple.  There is such a sweet spirit there.

5.  Talking with Sariah.  Oh how I love her.

6.  Safety on snowy roads.

7.  Laughs with Juanito.

8.  Talking about the light of the world.  Institute was bomb tonight.  Brother Adair is one the greatest teachers and brings the spirit with him every time.

9.  Juanito helping me clear the snow off my car.

10.  Leftover soup.  That saved my stomach today.